If you are having trouble sending email with Laravel and PHP’s mail(), try these steps on your development or staging server.
Laravel Config
Make sure your /config/mail.php file is looking to your .env file for mail configuration, and set up the following parameters:
The Problematic Code
Do you have something like this?
Mail::send('emails.my_message', $data, function($message){
$message->to(Request::input('email'))->subject('My Subject');
Your email may not be delivered and it may be failing silently.
Try This in Your Controller or Model Code
Laravel’s Mail::send() will return false if the email was not sent, and we will get more information by using Mail::failures().
$result = Mail::send('emails.my_message', $data, function($message){
$message->from('noreply@mydomain.com', 'My Website');
$message->to(Request::input('email'))->subject('My Subject');
// Laravel tells us exactly what email addresses failed, let's send back the first
$fail = Mail::failures();
if(!empty($fail)) throw new \Exception('Could not send message to '.$fail[0]);
if(empty($result)) throw new \Exception('Email could not be sent.');
// Now do what you do
In addition to adding some checks to ensure the result of the Mail::send() actually worked, it seems to be very important to add in the From address line. Make sure the line
$message->from('noreply@mydomain.com', 'My Website');
is present and see if that does not fix the problem. This also seems to work for Mail::raw().
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