new feat
Web Design for Retail Businesses
If you’re a needing a new web design for retail business (and perhaps a whole new website), here are a couple things you should be thinking about in the beginning stages.
Freelance PHP Developer Ditches Google For Searching
For the past week I’ve been trying out something new and I wanted to share my results with turning my back on the big G.
Project Management Skills: Micro Communications
While I take a lot of pride in the project management skills that I do have, there is one clear area of improvement I could make.
Fix WP Nonce Validation Failing On First Page Load
If you are having a strange nonce validation problem that ONLY happens when you first load a page, and you have Woocommerce running on this particular site, read on.
Women in Web Development – Resources
If it seems like there just aren’t that many women in web development, you’re not wrong! Depending on where you look, web developer teams are about 85-90% men, both in the workplace and among computer science majors.